The Gifted 1X12 "eXtraction" / 1x13 "X-roads" Season Finale Promo - TV Shows, Movies, Promos, Games, Reviews, Trailers - Myfilmscity The Gifted 1X12 "eXtraction" / 1x13 "X-roads" Season Finale Promo - TV Shows, Movies, Promos, Games, Reviews, Trailers - Myfilmscity

The Gifted 1X12 "eXtraction" / 1x13 "X-roads" Season Finale Promo

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The Gifted 1x12 "eXtraction" & 1x13 "X-roads" Promo (Season Finale) - Dr. Campbell attends an anti-mutant summit, attempting to take the Hound program national, and some of the team at Mutant HQ goes on a dangerous mission to stop his efforts.

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